I'm currently using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04, and trying to understand how to change the order that MoveIt publishes joints to a custom robot driver ROS node (that I created).
My controllers.yaml file in MoveIt looks like
- name: "arm_controller"
action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory
type: FollowJointTrajectory
joints: [waist, shoulder, elbow, wrist_angle, wrist_rotate]
After executing a trajectory, MoveIt publishes the Action message on `/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal` as expected. However, it organizes the joint data in the JointTrajectory message differently - like...
[elbow, shoulder, waist, wrist_angle, wrist_rotate]
...which seems to be alphabetical. However, my driver node expects the joints to be ordered as defined in my controllers.yaml file.
So my question is - how should I go about getting MoveIt to reorganize the joint order? Is it even possible? I saw while doing some research online that a parameter called `controller_joint_names` can be loaded that lists the joints in the order you want them. However, it didn't seem to have any effect.
Thanks in advance!